Why run a Marathon?

In 2020, I turned 60. Greetings like “Welcome to the Club” soon followed. I moved on paying little attention to the new “senior citizen” tag. Till one day on public transportation, a youngish looking guy gave up his seat for me. I never realized that I was looking old with my few gray hairs. Fast forward to 2023 and I was certainly not looking any younger. While browsing the Web, I came across an ad for the Bengaluru Marathon. Intrigued, I read further and realized that this was an ad for the full 42.1 kilometer run. Although I could easily run a few kilometers without much difficulty, I knew running 42 kilometers was entirely different. Was I really too old to attempt such a long endurance run? Well, what better way to check than to try running longer. The standard advice for running longer on the Net is to increase the running duration or distance by 10% over some period. Easier said than done. After 5 kilometers, I would be sweating profusely. A few people would l...